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Charles River: How a leading CRO made its vision for Lab of the Future a reality with Climb

The case study presents the primary drivers for Charles River to leverage technology to overcome challenges in in vivo research and improve the overall quality and efficiency of services provided by the company.

This paper discusses how Charles River pursued a strategy to digitalize in vivo research study processes as part of its broader efforts to modernize systems. To support its vision “of boldly challenging scientific possibility,” Charles River viewed the project as a way to give them an edge in the highly competitive CRO market.

Facing some of the same challenges as Charles River?

If you’re looking to modernize in vivo study management, check out Climb – purpose-built for in vivo research

Additional Insights

Feel free to check out a few of our more recent blogs for additional insights.

Speed and accuracy are two critical factors in in vivo research. Enter automation. When used properly, automation can provide your lab with a host of benefits, ranging from improvements in both speed and accuracy to increased reproducibility and efficiency.

Many in vivo labs have yet to reach their transformation goals or even have a digital transformation plan in place. In a recent study, almost a third of respondents are still using legacy data entry processes, such as pen and paper.