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Climb and LabVoice Integration

The Climb and LabVoice integration enables researchers to use LabVoice’s voice-activation technology for hands-free data collection and information recall.

LabVoice gives researchers the ability to enter data into Climb, look up information about their animals and studies, and complete their workflows efficiently without having to be at their computer by simply speaking into the LabVoice application.

Hands-Free Data Entry

Researchers can use LabVoice to complete their data entry tasks entirely through voice commands. In the video example, a researcher uses LabVoice to complete a birth check workflow. To ensure data accuracy, LabVoice guides the researcher through a set of questions about the animals such as the litter size and the number of males and females. The researcher simply has to speak the answers out loud and the data is automatically recorded into Climb. The questions and data collected are fully customizable to your lab’s workflows.

Information Recall

Without leaving the vivarium or using a computer, researchers can look up information on a specific animal using its name or ID. Researchers can request any information stored in Climb, such as location, status, or line. LabVoice also allows for cage card barcode scanning and will return information related to the animals in the cage.


Researchers can use LabVoice to ask what tasks are due today and what tasks are due this week. LabVoice is able to pull this information from Climb and communicate it back clearly for improved scheduling and resourcing.

Compliance Checks

LabVoice can also include validity or compliance checks (e.g. automatically check against study, animal welfare, and IACUC limits), ensuring the data entered into Climb is of the highest quality and the research animals are getting the care they need. Alerts for values that are out of compliance can also be configured to inform required groups and people.

The Climb and LabVoice integration is another step towards advancing life sciences research with an open, collaborative ecosystem. Ready to learn more about how Climb can streamline your in vivo research?  Request a demo today!

For more information about LabVoice, visit

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